A Blog Now

I haven’t treated my own blog as my own space on the interwebs. The URL says my name. The top of the web page says my name. Yet, the blog itself is more of a dumping ground of tutorials and showcases then any representation of myself, beyond my gamedev projects that is. It really only is a small part of my passions, and I want to expand it and add more.

First part of my plan is adding a RSS feed to my blog. I don’t advertise my blog. I’m not even sure anyone checks it! I use RSS personally to follow other people’s blogs, and my sphere of people on Mastodon leads me to believe that RSS usage is back on the rise. No idea how it works personally. Will this be the first post published to the feed? Will all my previous posts be published to the feed? We’ll find out!

I have read more this year than many previous years combined. I killed my Reddit reading habit, which freed my time to read more blogs, fiction novels, a zine and a magazine (just one each), and lots of news. I have focused my attention primarily on local and transit news, supplemented by watching many, many videos on bikes, cars, trains, walking, traffic engineering, and city planning. All that I say to introduce why I feel the urge to write on all I’ve learned and gathered.

Harper’s is the magazine I have been reading, and the collection of essays, reports, poems, fiction, and reviews has captivated me. It’s that feeling I got when I first started making games and using math in my programming to create fun for myself and my friends. Shaking off the preconceptions I developed in school, I can see the fun and the art in writing, and so I want to write too.

Another part of my plan is finding a new blog theme. I do like the darks and low contrast text and the green links. I suppose if you’re reading this through an RSS reader or I’ve since changed the theme that is no longer the case. A part of moving in a new direction with my blog and website is finding a new visual identity that better vibes with where I’m heading.

I have other ideas that I may invest time into. I could section off the blog into two, one for gamedev and the other for everything else, but the idea of leaving it a miscellaneous mess tickles me. I see myself writing more of my opinions in longer form, or travel blogging. Definitely round ups and reporting of my experience dipping my toes into advocacy and volunteering. Game play throughs posts would be fun. I would have to speech-to-text that I imagine, to make it easier on myself. All these ideas are bouncing around my head, and have me excited!

I never updated my blog at a steady rate before because I had too many self imposed rules for what my blog was and what constituted a worthy post. I want to do away with that. I am not saying I will be posting just anything that I type down, but not far from it.